The real price: how much does the apartment really cost you
About pricethe apartment You agreed with the seller, you need to arm thousands of dollars more. In many cases, if you also intend to renovate the apartment, you should reserve 20% beyond the price listed in the contract. Also, for the renovation itself, you should learn from the experience of others and the armor 20% or 30% beyond your initial estimate of its cost.
Purchase tax that can approach 5%
Purchase tax. The only amount whose height can be calculated immediately after the agreement is closed is the purchase tax. This is a rated tax and is updated once every three months according to the index (see graph in this chapter). The tax starts low – 0.5% on the first 457,000 shekels of the apartment price. The following 252,000 shekels pay a 3.5% tax, while the balance of the amount – is more than =709 thousand shekels – the tax reaches =5%.
Realtors and lawyers – up to 2% perone Realtors. Compared to a purchase tax that can be accurately calculated, the amount of commissions to realtors, such as lawyers, depends many times on the bargaining ability of both the apartment buyer and the seller. The brokerage fee is mainly relevant to second-hand transactions, as in most cases new apartments are purchased directly from the contractor. The official pre-VAT rate for second-hand apartment transactions is 4% – 2% on each side. However, during a recession, the commission on both sides can amount to =2%.